Getting right back to the homeschool track
This is the time of the year where premiums have been paid and the next we have to prepare for are the school expenses. The next homeschool curriculum that our family is going to use for our son is School
on marriage and everything in between…
This is the time of the year where premiums have been paid and the next we have to prepare for are the school expenses. The next homeschool curriculum that our family is going to use for our son is School
My son and I are currently in the middle of our second week of homeschooling. We’re happy to report that we breezed through the first week and we actually enjoyed every minute of it. Okay, I have to admit that
One month. This is what I have left to figure my schedule out when I start homeschooling my sweet little guy. Early this coming June, we are going to have him assessed. What we are going to use for our
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