Shine on, Sister!

Rarely does a Facebook application catch my attention. Aside from the occasional games I tried for sometime (all of which I have totally abandoned to date), this I Star App has got me thinking. All of us, girls, are sure to be good at one thing or another. Most of which, we hardly know about each other. So I thought it was fun to just stop and think of something that we star at.

shine on sister

I star at being able to juggle homeschooling with the rest of my online and homemaking tasks. It’s a challenge that I thank God I was able to pull through. Although I have already hired an assistant before 2010 ended, I was practically helper free for all the 9 years I was married. This, for me, is something, especially so that I grew up with a house help (a nanny when I was younger) for most of my single days.

On the funnier side, I also star at making my big toes dance. My husband is pretty amazed about it. It’s something that I thought, all along growing up, that everybody else is capable of doing. Turns out it is a rare talent and I have it! 😉

How about you, what do you star at? You can head on over the app and share where you star at as well. It’s fun! Shine on, Sister! 🙂

Shine on, Sister!

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