I don’t know about you, but I do get this endorphin high whenever I claim a brand new domain. Could this be a symptom common to all probloggers? The brand new blog is the oldest I have had in Blogger. I recently migrated all contents of my original online journal to
For those who have formerly exchanged links with jenaspacio.blogspot.com, here I am asking for a favor to change the URL from your respective sites to www.jenaspacio.com. All my other web pages are niched ones. Understandably, I cannot just about pour anything random whenever I write. The most personal that I could get is via this blog, Marriage and Beyond. I love that I have my name in my domain this time. I am a little behind, I know. A lot of other bloggers claimed their first domain with their names in it. In this aspect, I am a very late bloomer. The plan is for me to be able to pour my heart out in that blog.
I decided to stick with its original blog title, so it goes…
What’s in the title? It sounds pretty ordinary right? But having no other title in mind when I was trying to think of a nice one in 2004, for my multiply site, I just figured that it will be about my life. Each day comes and goes. I will journal things in my life. Blessings and otherwise. The way I spend it, whether with regret or fulfillment, it will go whether I like it or not. Not the most profound, I know. But it does make sense, right? so it goes…
Hope you could visit my brand new site and maybe leave a line or two. 😀