A Winter 11th Anniversary Celebration?

Hubby and I have been deliberating whether we should push through with our scheduled trip for our 11 anniversary celebration. When we booked our trip for this winter anniversary last year, we really did not consider much the negative degrees temperature. While this might not be that big a deal for most people who are used to cold weather and ski vacations family, it is a huge thing for us who live in the realms of 29 degrees celsius (average) tropics.

To date, the coldest we have been to was during our 10th anniversary last year in Hongkong. The coldest it was when we were there was 10 degrees and boy did we feel our bodies adjust crazily to that temperature change! My son threw up once and got feverish for a bit too. But because we are one adventurous family, we are excited and our son has been looking forward to a winter anniversary celebration, which of course, he will be going to as well.

Looking through several online guides on winter survival and tips on how to have rocking family ski vacations should help as we get More ideas here. But this will all depend if we get our VISAs approved. We have prayed about this and we trust that whatever God wills for us to do, we are okay with.

A Winter 11th Anniversary Celebration?

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