There’s Play to Learn at Hope Christian High School‘s Pre-School Program

We tend to think of pre-school education as nothing more than supervised play, but pre-school education has lasting effects. According to research done by W. Steven Barnett, Ph.D. at the National Institute for Early Education Research Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in 2008: “Well-designed preschool education programs produce long-term improvements in school success, including higher achievement test scores, lower rates of grade repetition and special education, and higher educational attainment.”

Beep Beep! Student Drivers on the road

Beep Beep! Student Drivers on the road

At Hope Christian High School’s Preschool, it’s more accurate to call it intelligent play. Children learn cognitive skills and concepts through play activities. Young children develop their big muscles and gross motor skills through indoor and outdoor play. Play experiences also allow children to learn cooperative play, sharing, taking turns, and to follow rules and instructions among others. Math and Science concepts are learned through manipulative materials, self-discovery and exploration of their environment.

during field trip, feeding rabbits - an experience of farm life

during field trip, feeding rabbits – an experience of farm life

Educational Field Trips are also part of the curriculum and expose the children to learning and discovery outside the classroom. For example, children get to experience life at a farm and see farm animals up close. Preschool programs should be designed to develop all aspects of a child’s social and emotional development.

Planting Together

Planting Together

Hope Christian High School’s Pre-School puts a strong emphasis on Christian values and follows an international curriculum. They have seven learning centers that use both English and Chinese instruction. They keep the teacher-student ratio small to be able to attend to the needs of individual students. The school boasts of fully air-conditioned classrooms and facilities, an outdoor playground and an indoor playroom, a gymnasium, and a daycare program.

introduction to place value

introduction to place value

Apart from acquiring the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic, the school believes it is never too early to teach values of love and respect for one’s parents, respect for the feelings of others, and to develop healthy habits.

Planting Monggo Seed

Planting Monggo Seed

The foundation of a good education starts with play.

Hope Christian High School
Address: 1242 Benavidez St., Sta. Cruz Manila
Contact Nos. (+632) 310.8071 to 75F

There’s Play to Learn at Hope Christian High School‘s Pre-School Program

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