Lovin’ the coupons in Good Housekeeping March 2010

The hubby and I “hoarded” on copies of the March 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping magazine. After browsing through racks upon racks in supermarket and department stores for days, it was only recently that we were able to get hold of them. Sure enough, we took everything in the magazine stand. They only got 4! That does not really count as hoarding yet, right? 😉 And if there were more, we would have gladly gotten more. For how often does anyone get to be featured in a magazine, right? 🙂

As I was reading through this ish, it got me all too thrilled to see coupons upon coupons and I love a handful of stores that they have discounts of!  I’m kind of getting desperate, but not over the edge just yet. But the hubby is nudging me no end to come join him as he plans to jog more regularly now. I really would rather play badminton than jog, which I hope we could get back to doing.

Anyway, I  love that my mom is all too proud showing her friends of the featured article. I overheard her telling someone again today. Have you bought the issue already? Aside from reading about how we monetize our blogs, you will also love the coupons that they have in the March 2010 issue of Good Housekeeping. 🙂

Lovin’ the coupons in Good Housekeeping March 2010

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