What’s A Family For, Part 3

3) God’s design is that a family is to be a place to play

God is not a killjoy.He wants the family to be a format for fun, a haven for happiness, a place to get down and party – to have a good time.It is place where we kick back, relax, take it easy and enjoy life.This is missing in a lot of homes.A lot of homes get what is written in the second part of this series about a learning center and sometimes the father thinks that the learning center is boot camp and he’s the drill sergeant.Similar to the guy on Sound of Music before Julie Andrews got a hold of him.He’d blow a whistle and the kids would march in and march out.

In John 10:10, it says, “The thief (pertaining to the devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. What God wants for us is abundant life. In other translations it says “life to the full!” A full life is what God wants for our families to have.

We’ve heard of this statement:”The family that prays together, stays together” — I tell you that the family that plays together, stays together.The family that has fun stays together.Sometimes in our homes the basic problem is we need to lighten up!It starts with the parents.We need to lighten up and have fun with our kids. Relax and enjoy.

We need to evaluate our families.Do we have fun with our kids?Do we enjoy our family?If we don’t have fun with our kids, we must not be surprised that when they grow up they won’t care to come back and visit.Kids want to be where the fun is.


Simply ENJOY OUR FAMILIES.We need to enjoy each moment with them because they really won’t be around for so long –  time flies fast.

What’s A Family For, Part 3
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