New Zealand’s Dairy Goat Milk Powder is Now in the Philippines

Dairy Goat milk powder for kids 3 years old and above has finally landed our local shores! Like I have expressed in previous posts, it is always a good thing when competition is present. It means that consumers have more options, and brands will normally would offer the best, as we become wiser in our choices.

New Zealand's Dairy Goat Milk Powder is now in the Philippines

Back in 2008, I blogged about the benefits of goat’s milk over the more commonly used powdered milk available in the market, and for good reason. Goat’s milk is a bunch closer in characteristics to human milk than cow’s milk. One fact that we cannot ignore. We moms should really look out for what’s best for our kids. More often than not, the popular does not always turn out to be what is.

Although the mineral content of goat’s milk and cow’s milk is generally similar, goat’s milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat’s milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow’s milk.

Goat’s milk has less lactose:

Less lactose. Goat’s milk contains slightly lower levels of lactose (4.1 percent versus 4.7 percent in cow’s milk), which may be a small advantage in lactose-intolerant persons.

New Zealand's Dairy Goat Milk Powder is now in the Philippines

I learned a handful lot during the Dairy Goat Milk Powder launch

New Zealand's Dairy Goat Milk Powder is now in the Philippines with Mommies

In the know blogger mommies during the launch – Louisa of and Joy of

Goat’s Milk Health benefits:

Naturally More Complete

Goats produce their milk through Apocrine Secretion, where milk fat and bioactive components in mammary secretory cells are enveloped by cell membranes as they are secreted. As a result, milk produced by goats have naturally occurring bioactive components such as:

• Polyamines for intestinal cell growth and digestive capacity development
• Nucleotides for gastrointestinal health, maturation, and recovery
• Free Amino Acids and Glutamic Acid for immunity and gut energy
• Taurine for bile salt formation (necessary for fat digestion), brain and retina development
• Growth Factors such as IGF1 and TGF Beta for immunity and growth development

The naturally occurring bioactive components present in goat’s milk make “fortifying” the formula unnecessary. Nice, eh? The closer we get to nature is always better. 🙂

New Zealand's Dairy Goat Milk Powder is now in the Philippines

Easier to Digest

Casein, the solid part of the milk protein produces curds in our stomach. Compared to milk sourced from other animals, DG produces a very loose curd structure with a high proportion of water that is easily broken apart, thus facilitating easier digestion of milk proteins.

Less Allergenic

β-Lactoglobulin is the whey protein that stimulates milk protein allergies. Compared with milk from other animals, DG has lowest levels of β-Lactoglobulin; thus making it less allergenic for us!

New Zealand's Dairy Goat Milk Powder is now in the Philippines

With more CPP

Casein Posphopeptides (CPP) binds more binds minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Thereby, increasing the solubility and absorption of these minerals.

This component is higher in DG, which can help your children grow healthy and strong!

New Zealand's Dairy Goat Milk Powder is now in the Philippines

Sorbetes made from goat’s milk is actually good 🙂

DG converts pure goat milk into a safe, exceptional powdered milk beverage is a gentle, and minimal one. Minimal processing ensures that the product is closer to its natural source. We can also be assured that they only choose the healthiest Saanen goats from New Zealand to ensure having milk of the highest quality. I love that DG is transparent with their product’s origin. This way we mommies get to have that informed decision as we take charge of our family’s health.

DG Goat Milk Beverage for Kids (for 3 years old and above) is available on Lazada and Shopee.  Follow Dairy Goat on Facebook for more information on the brand.

New Zealand’s Dairy Goat Milk Powder is Now in the Philippines

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