PCST Moving Up Ceremony and Recognition/Awards Banquet April 2019

I am truly grateful and blessed for the privilege to homeschool Jed since he was 4 years old. We’re ever so thrilled with all his accomplishments so far.

Rev. Hooge and Jed as he went up the stage for the third time, receiving his third award!

Ma’am Em Camacho scooting down to hand over Jed’s award during his Preschool Graduation

I look at these pictures and can’t help but wonder, where has time flown! That’s Ma’am Em to Jed’s right.

Honor A, Highest Honors, Seven Thousand Club (70 PACE Tests where he scored 100), and Highest Grade Average

Jed and his friend, Rune

May the Lord’s favor be ever upon you all the days of your life. And my prayer is that even as big of a deal the awards and #accomplishments you have received so far, please don’t be tempted to put your significance in any of these. These are sweet bonuses, for sure. 😍


Jed with Ma’am Joy Sias, our Academic Adviser from when Jed was in Preschool.

jed preschool graduation with lola











Jed with his Lola Lynn during his Preschool Graduation and his Lolo Bay and Lola Lynn during his Grade 6 Graduation

preschool graduation











Preschool and Grade School Graduation. This guy is taller than everybody!

Each graduation had their own moments, when their growing up picture over the years were projected.

Your significance is in your being God’s beloved. You will always be loved no matter what. May you set your eyes to living for an audience of One! He alone will satisfy your heart’s deepest desires. For you to grow deeper in your intimacy with Him, that’s what I commit to pray over for you for as long as I live. 🙏🏻 That’s where you’ll go beyond surving life. That’s the place you’ll thrive! 😍

We are The Aspacios, officially signing off from homeschooling.

PCST Moving Up Ceremony and Recognition/Awards Banquet April 2019

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