5 Off Beat Career Options For Your Child

Isn’t your child interested in making career in engineering or medicine? Does it make you worried? Well, you don’t have to be. Gone are the days when there are only a few options to choose when it comes to deciding a career. Now, as the career spectrum are widening up, there are many opportunities that are emerging at the global level. The interesting part is the careers have immense opportunity to grow and can pay much more than you think.

Check out these 5 off-beat and exciting career options that can fetch your child a larger pay and great success.

Video Game Tester

Do you often notice your child crossing all the levels of a video game with relentless ease? If yes, your kid can turn his passion into a well-paying profession.  He or she can become a great video game tester.

Your child can earn high figure salary just by playing games and identifying and fixing bugs in it. The career has even more scope for those with creativity to build their own game. All it takes is a degree in game designing and a few certification courses for specializing in video game testing.

Surgical Technician

Your child doesn’t need to become a surgeon to make a career in the healthcare industry.  Interest in this field doesn’t have to take a decade of med school and loads of debt. There is a booming area in allied healthcare careers that are on the rise both in the salary and job prospect. If the world of surgery excites your child, surgical technology is the best career option for you to check out. You can browse bestsurgicaltechschools.com in order find top school in your area.


Has your child ever got told off by his or her teacher for making a cartoon of her on the last page? But, she also praised your kid for his or her talent? Give wings to their creativity by encouraging them to peruse their career as a cartoonist. They can even make money out of it by publishing their work in the magazine and digital media where the comic books and cartoon columns are gaining hype.

Ice Cream Taster

Just imagine tasting scoops of ice-cream for a living! Sounds awesome, isn’t it? That’s what a career of ice cream taster can do for your child. If your kid has a major sweet tooth, this could be a job for him or her. It just requires a university degree in food science or chemistry and the proverbial sweet tooth for becoming an ice cream taster.

Ethical Hacker

You may have scolded your teen a hundred times for hacking someone’s computer.  It is obvious as hacking is bad, right? Well, not actually, when it’s done ethically. If your youngster has the brain to delve deep into the computers and networking world with interest in cracking passwords and codes, he or she can become a great ethical hacker.

Now, as you know these exceptional career options for your children, encourage them to peruse their passion to stand out from the crowd.

5 Off Beat Career Options For Your Child

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