Villa del Conte: Wedding Favors for Our Beloved Principal Sponsors #JeffJeniDoTake2

Unlike when we first got married in 2001, when a lot of our principal sponsors were handpicked by our folks, we made sure this time around, during our 15th anniversary renewal of vows wedding on December 8, 2016, we chose couples who have been involved in our lives, through the good and the bad.

Principal Sponsors Wedding

Our beloved ninongs and ninangs, who are beautiful inside and out.

Looking at this photo reminds me of the Lord’s goodness, His faithfulness as he provided these couples who have shown us love, support, and guidance through our years of being husband and wife. We will never be able to thank each of you enough, even up to this time that we aren’t exactly newly married anymore. Your constant encouragement and love, we will always treasure in our hearts. Thank you for journeying and praying for  and with us.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you,” Philippians 1:3

Villa del Conte Wedding Favors

And because we deeply love our principal sponsors, we wouldn’t let this opportunity pass without letting them know how much we appreciate them. We gave them no less than Villa del Conte praline artisan chocolates.

Wedding Favors

Wedding favors are small gifts given as a gesture of appreciation or gratitude to guests from the bride and groom during a wedding ceremony or a wedding reception. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia on the history of wedding favors:

The tradition of distributing wedding favors is a very old one. It is believed that the first wedding favor, common amongst European aristocrats, was known as a bonbonniere. A bonbonniere is a small trinket box made of crystal, porcelain, and/or precious stones. The contents of these precious boxes were generally sugar cubes or delicate confections, which symbolize wealth and royalty. (In this era, sugar was an expensive commodity and was treasured only among the wealthy. It was believed that sugar contained medical benefits). As the price of sugar decreased throughout centuries, the tradition of providing gifts to guests reached the general populace and was embraced by couples of modest means.

Today, gifts to guests are commonly known as wedding favors and are shared in cultures worldwide. Wedding favors have become a part of wedding reception planning,

Why Villa del Conte?

We want only the best for our beloved principal sponsors, this is why we picked Villa del Conte praline artisan chocolates as they come from the home of world-class artisinal chocolates, Padova, Italy.

The making of the finest cioccolato in Villa del Conte began in the hands of Nazzareno Cattapan. Eventually, his exceptional recipe was passed on to the following generations. Preserving this legacy today is the third-generation chocolate connoisseur Enrico Nazzareno.

The Cattapans have been making exceptional chocolates especially made by their artisans. Using only handpicked cacao beans shaped to perfection, one can easily notice and taste the masterpiece of authentic Italian tradition. For decades now, Villa del Conte chocolates have been delighting the hearts of many people in and out of Italy and we only want that our principal sponsors delighted in our token of love from us.

Thank you so much, Villa del Conte, for making our renewal of vows wedding extra special!

Villa del Conte stores are located at Greenbelt 5, Century City Mall, SM Megamall, Shangri-la Mall, Resorts World, Alabang Town Center and Robinsons Magnolia.

For more on Villa del Conte, visit or follow them @VilladelConte on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Villa del Conte: Wedding Favors for Our Beloved Principal Sponsors #JeffJeniDoTake2

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