Abundant Redemption: Find Hope, Experience Healing

In the last couple or so months, I had the privilege to be part of the process of editing an online program/course especially designed for hurting wives.

It is God who authored marriage. This is what He has provided for us to reflect Jesus’s love for His bride, the church. No wonder marriages are constantly under attack. When this basic unit of our society crashes, it’s easy to see that the blow doesn’t stop there. My involvement with counseling goes back years and this is something that the Lord has opened and called me to be involved in. I love that while there are a lot of not so good things internet has ushered in, the Lord uses this technology to minister and draw people towards hope and healing.

In God’s economy, grace wins and nothing is wasted as we find brand new hope on the cross.

abundant redemption

AbundantRedemption.net is a unique ministry to hurting wives was recently launched. This mentor-based program consists of 30 biblically-based lessons designed to support the healing and restoration of a wife whose marriage has been stained by her husband’s sexual sins. Each participant will have the opportunity to converse by email with another wife, a volunteer mentor who has already walked down the difficult path of sexual impurity with her husband and found healing for the pain.

Additional resources and optional homework assignments expand the impact of the study based on the needs of the student. The individualized nature of the personal connection helps wives get their questions answered as well as helps her find encouragement to follow Scriptural principles for marriage.

Author and speaker, Josh D. McDowell has this to say about Abundant Redemption:

“This is an excellent study that helps wives of men addicted to pornography to find hope, healing, forgiveness and their identity in Christ. It provides an excellent resource that is intensive, biblically-based, and thoroughly addresses the issues needed for recovery, restoration and redemption.”

Elaine, a fellow mentor, also wrote about Abundant Redemption on her blog, Following Augustine.

Enrollment is easy and the course is free. Visit abundantredemption.net to learn more about the program, sign up, and begin reading the first lesson immediately. For further questions, email contact@abundantredemption.net.

Abundant Redemption: Find Hope, Experience Healing

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