Raising Girl Dreamers, Women Achievers #BarbieYouCanBeAnythingPH

Barbie: You Can Be Anything | Imagine the Possibilities

I grinned from ear to ear when I watched this Barbie You Can Be Anything, Imagine the Possibilities TVC

Raising an only son, I’ve always wondered how its like to have a daughter. It’s still my heart’s desire to have one and I dream of all the things we’ll do together! One of them for sure is play with Barbie! That’s another blog post altogether, I know. But swinging by the Barbie You Can Be Anything launch gave me such sweet time as I was thrown to daydreamland. 🙂


Growing up, I was never like your typical girl, since guns, bows and arrows got me more curious before I ever transitioned to appreciating a Barbie, I do remember my Barbie-fond days and how it was instrumental to loving my being feminine. A few years after I curled, trimmed and layered my Barbie’s hair, I learned to cut and style the hair of my mom, sister, even my own hair (to fix the wrong the ‘parlor’ did)! Now that I think about it, my Kikay spirit was most likely kindled during my Barbie playing days. 🙂

Bianca Valerio hosts the Barbie You Can Do Anything Philippine Launch at the Balesin Islander at the City Club in Makati.

On its newest campaign, Barbie paints a picture of the different possibilities a girl can be with its mantra, “You Can Be Anything.” A summon for girls out there to chase dreams and be the best that she can be. The perspective showcases the many wonderful places a girl’s imagination can take her.

I love how crowned International Beauty Queen Ms. Lara Quigaman here encourages young girls to not let people look down on them because they are young, how making a difference can come even in the littlest ways. To seek to do good for others. I also especially love that she quoted 1 Corinthians 10:23, “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is helpful. “Everything is permissible,” but not everything builds up.” Knowing that in all things, we should always be wise in our decisions.

Barbie YCBA Photo 1

Even as a young girl role plays with dolls and Barbies, their little spirits are taught how to dream, discover and sail life away as she grows a little bit older each year.


Through its local celebrities brand ambassadors Apples Aberin (PR Maven, supermodel and consummate tastemaker), Lara Quigaman (international Beauty Queen and accomplished actress) and Kelly Misa (devoted mom and beauty columnist and social media influencer), Barbie follows through with its tradition of encouraging girls to pursue whatever path or profession they choose – with their imagination and creativity as the only limits. Through the years, Barbie has strengthened its image as the brand that allows girls to freely visualize themselves from being a mermaid to a movie star or a fairy fashionista to a princess rock star.

Liza Yao

“Together with our ambassadors, we hope to continuously make a positive impact that will carry on as long as there are girls who dare to dream and imagine,” so says Ms. Liza Yao, Managing Director of Richprime Global, Inc.


Barbie’s Philippine distributor Richprime Global, Inc. teams up with NGOs who shares the same vision, to provide financial support. One of its recipients is Pearl S. Buck Foundation, an organization dedicated to building better lives for children everywhere. In the Philippines, the foundation helps around 600 children through various educational and health programs, and other support services. It is the foundation’s aim to help children “reach their full potential as self-reliant adults”.

I love that Barbie has gone beyond just toys for little girls, the encouragement for girls to chase their dreams and impact lives of scholars who will benefit from this advocacy is walking their talk. Thank you, Barbie! And thank you for the sweet time of showing the girls of the world that we can be anything we want to be, bless people while we’re at it and give the world our excellent selves.

For Barbie updates, promo and event schedules, ‘Like’ Barbie Philippines on Facebook.

Raising Girl Dreamers, Women Achievers #BarbieYouCanBeAnythingPH

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