Reclaiming My Health Back: #Chiropractic Treatments with Dr. George Cromack

Scoliosis is something I have learned to live with over the years. As a Virtual Assistant and online content writer since 2008, I spend hours upon hours in front of the computer and it sure has taken its toll on my already bad back.  I take total responsibility for my lack of discipline. But with all the things I need to get done in a day, nobody can really blame me if I would choose to finish one task in one go.

It was when I was a senior in college when I learned that I had scoliosis, I underwent a series of electric pulse therapy sessions back then at St. Luke’s Hospital in Q.C. A repeat x-ray had to be done in 2005, around the time after giving birth to my son when I first had the most unbelievable pain in my lower back. It was then when I saw my first chiropractor. That helped me a great deal. We changed residences since, lost contact and got busy. Ten years since, my back has been screaming for relief on and off these past few years and has gotten worse these past months. There were nights when laying on my back was next to impossible.

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George Cromack, Doctor of Chiropractic 

While the hubby would time and again insist that I see a chiropractor the soonest, my apprehension lies on the fact that anyone who handles the spine should really be no less than an expert. It wasn’t until I met George Cromack who is backed with over 33 years of chiropractic practice that I was convinced. He’s also licensed to practice chiropractic care all over Europe, Hawaii and United Kingdom.

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My first chiropractic session with George Cromack, D.C.

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While I wasn’t exactly a noob at chiropractic care, I did learn a handful lot right from my first session with Dr. Cromack.  One of the many things I’ve learned during my first session and made me realize the impact of its truth is what he mentioned about stress coming in three different forms: postural, emotional and chemical. I’ve long known for a fact that my bad posture has had the most impact on why I have to deal with a bad back. Aggravated by long hours of sitting all day in front of my laptop.  Then, there’s also all forms of free radicals we get from the food we partake and the everyday air pollution we have to breathe in, day in and day out. These cause stress to our bodies more than we think they do.

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Dr. George Cromack, co-founder/director of the Renew Yourself Regeneration and Youth Program, abides by this simple and honourable philosophy: Treating illness is more than just alleviating pain and its symptoms, it is helping a patient achieve a higher level of wellness that allows him to enjoy his life more fully.

Chiropractic treatments for

Save for auto accident, I personally have all the above bodily complaints on a regular basis. Migraines I almost always get within a week into my period. While back, neck, sciatica pain, I randomly get every so often. With all the regular stressors we get living in our very polluted country, I concur that I’m not alone in this predicament.

Through chiropractic medicine, Dr. Cromack improves the health of millions of Filipinos, helping them find relief from persistent pain that stems from spinal problems.  He treats cases that include (but are not limited to) headaches and migraines, sciatica, carpal tunnel, and neck and back problems.

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The ideal back is the image on the far right. Legend: Red= Severe, Blue = Moderate and Green = Mild

Before Dr. Cromack treated my very achy back, he sat me down and got my back analyzed by this high-tech computer scanning device. The software comes up with the scanned result in the above visual format, which gives him a baseline to a patient’s individualized therapy.

My result is the one on the far left. The red bars represent severe damage, which I might as well have all over the back. Why am I not surprised! My back has been persistently achy for so many months before I saw Dr. Cromack. It was hard to believe the immediate relief I felt after only one session and I’m honestly not exaggerating!  I got home and slept like I never slept in 10 years! The first two nights after my first session were the best sleep I had ever. A week since I had my first session and I still don’t feel my back ache at all anymore. But given the above bad report of my back, I know I still have a long way to go. In fact, the therapy I was recommended is a total of 8 to 10 treatments, with a frequency of 2 to 3 times per week. I will keep you posted on my chiro treatment progression. I await the day when the computer scanning device result won’t return as bloody. 🙂

session 2 with dr. cromack

The relief I felt from the first session was beyond words, I know I just have to give the recommended number of treatments a shot. I went back to see Dr. Cromack again over the weekend and I have to say my back gets better each sesh. The back pain I put up with all these years has left me feeling paralyzed as it drained the energy off of me each day.

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Dr. George Cromack’s Medical Background
Dr. Cromack has 33 years of medical experience under his belt, having worked in Hawaii as an independent medical examiner for 20 yearsand in Europe for 5, treating professional athletes.

He graduated from the Southern California University of Health Sciences, specializing in Spinal Medicine, in 1981, and completed his post graduate work in Radiology and Sports Medicine. In addition, Dr. Cromack participated in a Master’s Program for Whiplash Injuries and completed a Medical Fellowship in Acupuncture.

He was an Independent Medical Examiner in the state of Hawaii, and appeared on numerous occasions as an expert witness in the Hawaii court system. He also lent his expertise on TV and Radio as a guest.

Author of the book, Renew Yourself: Keys to Rejuvenation and Youthing, Dr. Cromack is also considered a pioneer in the modern live movement in the US, having worked with live foods since 1973.

Manila Neck & Back Center
Address: Room 2C, Fort Palm Springs Bldg.
30th corner 1st Ave.
BGC, Taguig, Metro Manila
Contact Nos.: 0927 676 7712

Reclaiming My Health Back: #Chiropractic Treatments with Dr. George Cromack

One thought on “Reclaiming My Health Back: #Chiropractic Treatments with Dr. George Cromack

  • June 14, 2019 at 1:56 pm

    Thanks for sharing this! I also suffer from a very bad posture, a friend suggested that I go to a chiropractor to have it checked.


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