Wellness Festival at the @RobinsonsMalls Supermarket #ILoveWellness

One of the themes I am passionate about is health and wellness. All aspects, if you may: spiritual, mental, physical and sexual. If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll find that it’s an underlying theme my husband and I most often write about. Way before we migrated the content of my blog from multiply, it was what I was geared towards. Eleven years forward, it remains my heart and a leading my family and I will continue to move towards.

Robinsons I love wellness

I love that the community we live in is towards the same goal — getting more people to live healthy by taking on good choices towards wellness. Yesterday, I attended the Wellness Festival Event in Robinsons Magnolia. The brands that were present each had their own take on this advocacy.

organic finds at robinsons

I posted these organic finds from Robinsons Supermarket on Instagram (@jenaspacio) a few months back.

But before I move any further, allow me to express my delight even as I personally love doing my grocery shopping over at Robinsons Supermarket. Gone are the days that I need to adjust my schedule just so I can go visit a far-flung weekend organic market place. Organic produce are widely available in Robinsons. Yay! I haven’t found a lot of supermarket carrying a wider variety of organic finds.

To live a healthier lifestyle is a choice and with Robinsons making the better choice accessible to all of us is totally making a difference even as more and more people are becoming more conscious in their food choices.

Robinsons Supermarket is encouraging everyone to take the step towards a journey of wellness through the Wellness Festival. It is a month-long festivity filled with promos and activities, all geared towards helping people actively choose the healthy lifestyle.

The Sexy ChefBarni and Rachel Alejandro (The Sexy Chef) whipped up a detox smoothie composed of bananas, kangkong, et.al.


This scene is not uncommon back at home. One valuable tip I learned from the hubby is to always make sure there are lots of bananas. Sometimes the fusion of the different leaves, veggies and fruits can taste weird but bananas more than just neutralize the mix, they also serve as natural sweeteners for practically any juice or smoothie. I rarely use honey since bananas usually do the trick. 🙂

basil pesto spread

Basil Pesto spread/dip is something we almost always never ran of.  I get my supply from Robinsons Supermarket organic produce section when my herb garden fails to flourish. Drought is really bad, I tell you. Our little guy loves our pesto spread with lots of cheese. 🙂

Booths from known health and wellness brands Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Del Monte, Abbott, Fonterra and Unilab were present during the wellness campaign launch with interesting learnings about wellness  and freebies for shoppers to enjoy.

Anlene Calcium test

I took the calcium test at the Anlene booth and was told that I belong to those that are in the “low risk” of calcium deficiency. This, for me, is good news. The last time I did this same test was 7 years ago when they had this same test available at a gym in Robinsons Metro East. I was told that I was borderline and my risk of having osteoporosis was close. Such affirmation that our wellness lifestyle is actually working. 🙂

One of the things unique to Robinsons Supermarket is their Health and Wellness section. It is where I find a lot of natural and healthier alternatives. It addresses varied nutrition needs to fit every lifestyle. One of the things I personally take mental note of is check out their  “Shop Smart” label. This color coding system on their products are based on their health benefits, nutritional content, and price discounts. Achieve everyday wellness and choose healthy items in green tags. These are products that meet at least three (3) of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute’s eight (8) nutritional attributes, namely: low salt, low calorie, low fat, low in saturated fat, sugar free, low cholesterol, low sodium, source of protein and source of dietary fiber.

Healthy You trail mix

It was also in the Health & Wellness section where I first discovered the Healthy You product line. I’ve since been making my own trail mix with the variety of nuts and raisins.  I used to think the healthier brand translates to pricier. The Healthy You brand actually can go shoulder to shoulder with other popular brands. There are a lot of goods that they carry that are even more affordable. This totally appeals to the practical mama moi. 🙂

Wellness Festival Daniel and Vanessa Matsunaga

Active lifestyle advocates Daniel and Vanessa Matsunaga are giving the wellness month this coming July a head start with a Fit & Fun Buddy Run, a race to wellness happening on July 5, 2015 at the Bonifacio Global City where 4,500 runners are expected to join in the 5km and 10km categories. This is the only buddy run in the country that seeks to encourage participants to get their partners, friends or relatives into an active lifestyle.

One’s wellness journey will truly be rewarding especially this July with the supermarket’s Wellness Festival where exciting activities and freebies will be offered throughout the month. For instance, given a minimum purchase of Php3,000 with Php500 worth of purchase of participating wellness products, customers can enjoy free nutritious items like Healthy You Mixed Nuts. This is just some of the activities or offers in-store for Robinsons Supermarket customers nationwide.

Be part of the #IloveWellness campaign. Like it on Facebook www.facebook.com/RobinsonsSupermarketOfficial or visit its official website at www.robinsons-supermarket.com.ph.

Wellness Festival at the @RobinsonsMalls Supermarket #ILoveWellness

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