Eight months late, I know. But I figured, with our current homeschooling level (5) coming to a close, we do need a list that we can follow to strategically start with the next year level. Declared by virtue of Proclamation No. 655, s. 2013, here’s the list of National Holidays 2014.
January 1, 2014, Wednesday – New Year’s Day (Regular Holiday)
January 31, 2014, Friday – Chinese New Year (Special non-working day)
February 25, 2014, Tuesday – EDSA Revolution anniversary (Holiday for all schools)
April 9, 2014, Wednesday – Araw ng Kagitingan (Regular Holiday)
April 17, 2014 – Maundy Thursday (Regular Holiday)
April 18, 2014 – Good Friday (Regular Holiday)
April 19, 2014 – Black Saturday (Special non-working day)
May 1, 2014, Thursday – Labor Day (Regular Holiday)
June 12, 2014, Thursday – Independence Day (Regular Holiday)
July 29, 2014, Tuesday – Eid’l Fitr (Regular Holiday, by virtue of Proclamation No. 826, s. 2014)
August 21, 2014, Thursday – Ninoy Aquino Day (Special non-working day)
August 25, 2014, Monday – National Heroes Day (Regular Holiday)
November 1, 2014, Saturday – All Saints Day (Special non-working day)
November 30, 2014, Sunday – Bonifacio Day (Regular Holiday)
December 24, 2014, Wednesday – Additional special non-working day (Special non-working day)
December 25, 2014, Thursday – Christmas Day (Regular Holiday)
December 26, 2014, Friday – Additional special non-working day (Special non-working day)
December 30, 2014, Tuesday – Rizal Day (Regular Holiday)
December 31, 2014, Wednesday – Last day of the year (Special non-working day)
*Proclamations will be issued for the observance of Eid’l Fitr and Eidul Adha