“..turnarounds reveal our miraculous Savior to a messed-up world.”
As I read through Charlotte Gambill’s book description, Turnaround God: Discovering God’s Transformational Power, that line right there won me over. Who wouldn’t want that? And with a true to life crisis I was slapped with, I could surely make use of a serious turnaround. I was desperate.
Book Description:
Don’t settle for less than what God can do.
We often face situations in life that are hard. Whether it be a job loss, a difficult marriage, or problems with the kids—harsh storms come, and we can quickly feel overwhelmed, even desperate.
In the beginning of creation, God entered the darkness and void and displayed his turnaround nature. He spoke words that turned darkness into light and filled the emptiness with fruitfulness. His turnaround power brought order into the chaos. In the same way, God enters our lives with the power of his turnaround ability and offers not just a slight improvement but a complete turn around.
Turnarounds by their nature are radical. They bypass nice and sensible, they freak out the orderly, and they do not line up with agendas. But turnarounds reveal our miraculous Savior to a messed-up world.
Using examples from her own life and those of biblical characters, international speaker and teacher Charlotte Gambill offers that God is more than just a little bit of help, he’s all the help; we need. It’s time for us to fully understand that there is nothing that God can’t turn around!
Like the author, I grew up learning God’s redeeming power and His power to turn things around brought by the ultimate turning point – The Cross. Turnaround God is such sweet reminder that my God’s power goes beyond repairing, improving and making things better. He has the power to turn things around more than our eyes and finite minds can ever comprehend. I am totally hanging on to this in my life.
Transparency. That’s the word God has given me for this year. I want God to have all the glory in my life. What I had to go through the past months will not change that. In fact, my life will all the more point to Him. As I hear from the Lord and continue in obedience, I am longing for that complete turnaround that He has for me.
As Charlotte Gambill asked, “What do you think? What re you saying and doing about the devastations you face? God does not look at your desolation with doubt or at your ruins with timidity. He is your Creator God, the God of all sufficiency and grace. He is the God who doesn’t do slight improvements but who can completely turn things around.”
Disclaimer: This book was given to me by Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review.