Kids really grow up so fast! Looking at my son now, I wonder where all the years have gone. I can still recall like it was yesterday how he would babble behind his breath unintelligible words of whatnots when he was three months old. Not long after he began talking at 10 months with his first word, “car,” and the rest are, as they say, history. I officially have a chatterbox for a son. Peace and quiet, I don’t have a lot of nowadays. But I’m more than okay with that. 🙂
My ball of an 8 year old little man, enjoying one of his many Spaghettiest Moments. 🙂
We go on a “Mother and Son” date from time to time and aside from him pleading with me not call him baby in public, he still enjoys our PDAs, for the most part. It is a blessing that we have an easy to please kiddo, his default go to place for our dates – Jollibee! A plate of spaghetti and Burger Yum with Cheese are his Jollibee staples. 🙂
Yes, even the mommy has been influenced and is Happiest with the Spaghettiest!
One of our best moments is when we start twirling the spaghetti at the same time and whoever makes the neatest twirled spaghetti in fork wins! These trivial things we giggle over and I’m choosing to drink it all in. My mom told me several times that “A son is a son until he gets a wife, but a daughter is a daughter for life.” I see this true from the people within my circle and there’s a ring of truth to it, a major one, even. But this Mama is not dwelling on that. I’m enjoying my son for as long as I can. 🙂
At the Vinh Trang Pagoda in My Tho, Vietnam where the Laughing Buddha sits. Happy moments for our family also come in a once in a while getaway.
A local kalesa ride with the family is also one of our more recent happiest moments. It’s a first for our homeschooler and mine in a very long while. Maximizing the freedom we have as homeschoolers allows for us to explore local places and learn bits and pieces of our nation’s history while we are at it. Whether it be through learning from our own or another culture that we get to visit or from exploring the library of books in our home which our son fondly goes through, our family is happiest spending quality time with each other.
Being my son’s primary caregiver from the start, my influence in his life cannot be emphasized enough. Simply put, I am the ambassador of women to my son. Nurturing a solid mother-son relationship is essential for him to develop a healthy perception of women as he grows up. As much as I can, I indulge him in his childhood world and truth be told, a lot of times, it is I who learn more how to enjoy life in a childlike manner. This includes our happy moments with the sweet, sauciest, spaghettiest, Jollibee Spaghetti! 🙂
We are also happiest when father and son bond in their more “manly activities.”
Whether they roughhouse like there’s no tomorrow, play football or jam, playing their respective instruments, this father and son team is happiest when they get to be each other’s best buddies. 😀
As we choose to be intentional parents to our son (no auto pilot for us, thank you) and train him towards the fear and love of God, my husband and I are happiest when we see how confident of an individual our son is growing up to be. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” As we give God the center stage in our family, we are made accountable to each other in the choices we make and nothing else can be a better teacher than that (walk the talk) to our son.
Happiest with the Spaghettiest Break Time at Our Homeschooling Nook.
My boy sure looks like a young lad here already, I can’t help but notice. You grow up so fast, I can hardly keep up! **insert bittersweet tears here**
And because sometimes a photo will not suffice, here’s something I recorded as our homeschooler enjoys what he looks forward to the most and gets him charged up to work on his PACES – his spaghettiest break! 😀
As I master the art of shifting hats as I strive to be a better help-meet to my husband, a home educator to our homeschooling son, keep house, work from home doing various online related jobs and influence the ladies in our ministry, I choose to be happy even in my recent diagnosis of having an autoimmune thyroid antibodies disorder (which is not contagious, FYI). 🙂
No sickness, no circumstance is going to hamper my spirit. I may have gotten stunned for while, but as I hang on to God’s grace to see me through this, I bounce right back to my happiest because I know I am doing what God has purposed for me to do. Peace that surpasses all understanding, as He promised, is mine for keeps. Pressing on to do what I have been doing all along with my boys to cheer me on, as we totally depend on God’s grace in our lives, that’s my take on living the happiest! 🙂