Marriage and Beyond’s Spray n’ Go Waterless Car Cleaners Giveaway

Our family has always been big fans of eco-friendly products, moreso if they were Filipino-made! We may not still have arrived the “all green state” just yet, but we sure are on our way there as we choose to go natural every chance we get.

Now if you guys can get your cars thoroughly cleaned without having to use water, wouldn’t that be great?  Spray n’ Go Waterless Car Cleaners are the latest innovative and nifty car cleaning products that were designed to reduce the frequency of washes with their product being water and dust repellent. These innovative products remove water spots, preserve your car paint, add an extra gloss and protect it from extreme sunlight! Now that’s something we know all too well from our sun-shiny Manila climate. 🙂

Spray N Go Car Cleaner

Spray n’ Go Waterless Car Cleaners make use of Filipino-made eco-friendly and biodegradable products. It lubricates to remove stubborn dirt without the risk of scratching the paint. The product evaporates to prevent further spotting. It also enhances the gloss of your car making it look refreshed.

And as promised, Marriage and Beyond is giving away 3 Bottles of Spray n’ Go Waterless Car Cleaners to one reader! Yay! Joining is easy too! We will announce the winner on May 1, 2013! 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Marriage and Beyond’s Spray n’ Go Waterless Car Cleaners Giveaway

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