A Blog Makeover

In the midst of all the busyness of our household’s daily routine: homeschooling, online tasks, house chores and blogging, I realized today that Marriage and Beyond needs a major makeover. Although we are not exactly theme-conscious bloggers, which is primarily why we are stuck with the same supposedly seo theme for wordpress for probably four years now, a new look or feel can actually be good for online content writers. It might just be the one push that can get us to revive our passion for blogging.

Above is a screenshot of the header we used in 2009.

It was when I started blogging in 2004 that I decided to drop the pen and paper diary writing altogether. The diaries I have used since I was in grade school, I can no longer recall where I placed them. I may have likely lost it to Typhoon Ondoy flooding. I remember having to pause writing every so often even if I had so much more to say because of a badly calloused middle finger. I owe it to blogging that my fingers are now practically free from from any corns. The downside is, I can hardly write legibly anymore as I’m out of practice.

There are a few theme providers we are currently considering. We have always used free themes in the past. Maybe it is time to look into top web design companies. We have a few non-negotiables though. One of which is that its seo should be built in. A good theme should be able to manage tags well within its archived pages. Aside from a good layout, we are looking for a theme that should be compatible with the few plugins that we are currently using. I know there are fellow mommy bloggers who are web designers are well. Hopefully, I can strike a deal with a good theme provider and so I can Shop now. We are so ready for a brand new theme for Marriage and Beyond! Recommendations, anyone?

A Blog Makeover
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