As we move towards the homestretch of the construction of our house’s second level, we are currently very busy with the nitty gritty details of deciding on how each room will look. As opposed to our former plan to have four upstairs rooms, we have settled with just three rooms including: the master bedroom, the family room and the little guy’s room. We are thinking of making use of the corner of the family room as our new home office.
Our former home office (mine and our homeschooler’s) is that cramped far left corner of our living area.
Ever since we started homeschooling in 2009, we have made use of this little nook in our tiny abode for our son’s school office beside my equally humble office, which was singlehandedly built by no other than my ever reliable handyman hubby. More than the walk in closet I’m looking forward to being built in the master bedroom, I am more thrilled about our home office.
As home educators who work from home, there is no other place than our home office that we spend more time in. This is why we have always thought of leveling it up. We sure can make use of the bigger space, with an office table with compartments to hide my clutter, and used cisco equipment to upgrade my connectivity. When I went to Check out their rs 6000, it was easy to see that a sun server may just be the one thing I need to better communicate with my overseas clients.
As for our home office, we have been considering a few themes. If at all, it can be tricky. Because although a swanky home office might be a good plan, its feel should also cater to our homeschooling routine and should be conducive for school time. Above photos are a few of them.
Part of the upgrade will be the home office’s natural lighting access. Our old nook was way too tucked away in the corner that it was hardly possible to function without the lights turned off.
We may not be able to pull off the home office design we are currently looking into right away because of budget constraints. But it sure is something we look forward to building over time. 🙂