Our singing boy

As we were browsing through my video channel over You Tube, my son and I enjoyed watching old recorded videos like this one where he is singing Bruno Mars’s “Just the Way You Are.”

Jed has not resumed his voice lessons with Teacher Pau just yet. We are still trying to squeeze in Singapore Math in our schedule since his least favorite subject happens to be his father’s favorite. Aside from a little frustration on Jeff’s part, we are more concerned how Jed will make it as he moves towards advanced Math subjects.

Meanwhile, when we ask him what musical instrument he wants to learn, he gives us at least three, including tuba, super dan armstrong guitar, and piano. We only had him try the basics of keyboard. So far, he since learned how to play by ear. He still has a long way to go. Hopefully, as we go along, he will figure out which instrument he wants to be good at. 🙂


Our singing boy

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