Raycop UVC Anti-Allergy Cleaner for our Home

It was during my nesting stage with my son and a few weeks before I gave birth that I began to obsess with cleanliness. We were then renting a tiny apartment in Makati void of proper ventilation. We did transfer to another apartment a few months after I gave birth. But I did buy an air purifier to lessen the odds of our precious boy from acquiring airborne diseases that are usually predominant in areas that are not properly ventilated.

Fast forward to seven years since my son was born, the advent of Wellness Generation has already ushered in nifty gadgets for air purification, deodorization and sanitation. If you come visit our home, you’ll spot one or two of them lying around somewhere.

Raycop UVC Anti-Allergy Cleaner

One of the things I am currently considering for our home is the Raycop UVC Anti-Allergy cleaner. It is the first anti-allergy vacuum cleaner with the Seal of Approval of the prestigious British Allergy Foundation, the Trophée de la Maison from the French Consumers’ Union and the LOHAS Seal of Approval from the Korea Standards Association. Needless to say, I have yet to find another home vacuum cleaner that is as recognized worldwide.

Why the obsession with a specially designed vacuum cleaner, you ask. Here are some facts:

Every night you share your bed with 1.5 to 2 million dust mites.
• Their waste contains a powerful allergen that can cause itchy skin, burning eyes, coughing and sneezing.
• If you suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems these symptoms can be even worse.
• Raycop has been shown to deactivate the H1N1 Influenza A virus.

Raycop Magnus Series

Let’s look at some of the advantages of Raycop Magnus Series, for instance. The Ultraviolet C or UVC feature of Raycop household gadgets provides the germicidal quality.  UVC is also used for ultraviolet phototherapy.

– Kills 99.9% of E. Coli, Staphylococcus
and Candida

– Effectively eliminates more than 93.5%
of dust mites

– Eliminates 99.9% of H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

– Micro Allergy filtration filters more than
96.77% of remnants as small as 0.3㎛

It was when my son got hospitalized in February this year because of some stomach bug that resulted in life threatening dehydration  when I looked into all these E.Coli and other similar organism that might have attacked him. We really can never be too sure.

Upon looking it up, I found that Raycop products are sold in around 30 countries including the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Japan and South Korea.  I might just be able to get hold of a Raycop when we go visit South Korea this year. 🙂

Raycop UVC Anti-Allergy Cleaner for our Home

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