Marriage and Beyond’s Christmas Giveaway

We know the announcement of Marriage and Beyond’s Christmas Giveaway is way overdue. We have been really busy with Christmas outreach and church fellowship this past week. The winner of our Christmas giveaway will receive Boardwalk His & Hers Timepieces and to add to that, a P500 donation will be placed under his or her name to help the victims of Typhoon Sendong.  We will be sending the donation to Operation Blessing Philippines. We chose Operation Blessing because it is the  the humanitarian arm of The 700 Club Asia.  With all the previous controversies surrounding previous calamity fund raising efforts, we really should take care to give to entities that have integrity. Corruption is so prevalent in our country that no tragedy is left untouched for greedy people in our society.

Contest Mechanics:

1. You have to be a “liker” of Marriage and Beyond on Facebook and Operation Blessing Foundation Philippines.
2. Share this contest on your Facebook wall. To share, click on the Share button located at the bottom of this post. Then post on your Facebook Status: “Marriage and Beyond is giving away Boardwalk His & Hers Timepieces for Christmas and a P500 donation to Operation Blessing Foundation Phils for Typhoon Sendong victims under the winner’s name. Join now!” (To tag, type the “@” symbol then follow by “Marriage and Beyond,” then type in the rest of the required phrase )
3. When you’re done with the Facebook status wall update, go to the comments section of this post and paste the link of your Facebook entry with your name and email address. (To get the link, hover to the time of your shared post (e.g. 4 minutes ago) and copy link address. Paste this to your comment to make your entry count.)
4. Contest is open to everyone who has a local address. Free Shipping.
5. One entry per person.
*As with our previous giveaways, we will be requiring the drawn winner to send us a scanned ID for verification.
6. Deadline for entries is on January 1, 2012.

We encourage those who are able, to donate to Cagayan de Oro and Iligan Cities with whatever you can. No amount is too small. We don’t have to wait for this giveaway to wrap up to give them a portion of our Christmas blessing.

The winner of Marriage and Beyond’s Christmas Giveaway will be raffled via And as proof that the donation was placed under the winner’s name, we will be posting the scanned copy of the deposit slip or confirmation screencap. Have a blessed Christmas, everyone! Let’s continue to pray for the Typhoon Sendong victims while we do our share as we move towards addressing their current felt needs.

Marriage and Beyond’s Christmas Giveaway

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