i-Shine at Singing Workshop by Promil Preschool

My boys and I went to check out Promil Preschool’s i-Shine at Singing last Monday. It was held at Center for Pop in Cubao, Quezon City. Our son thoroughly enjoyed himself during the i-Shine at Acting conducted by The Trumpets Playshop last month, so we thought we might as well check this one out.

At first, I was not too sure if the hubby will approve when he finds out that the i-Shine at Singing workshop will be held at Center for Pop. While I know for a fact that Center for Pop has quite a handful of products who have made names for themselves, we really are leaning towards the classical way of singing, where you just don’t open your mouth and try to produce a melodious sound without much consideration on its dynamics. We have learned for sometime now, even as we are essentially a singing family, that sing the wrong way and you are bound to hurt your throat one way or another. This is precisely why we trust the services of Teacher Pau (our son’s voice coach and Music teacher). She hails from my reputable Alma Mater, UST. She’s from Conservatory of Music. But that’s another blog post altogether. 🙂

Coach Weng instructs Jed to do some vocal exercise

We always knew that our son has a knack for singing. He has been humming tunes since he can barely talk and even up to now, he’d either sing or hum first thing in the morning. This is also how we know he’s already awake. This is also why we would love for him to nurture his gift in singing. He has always been in tune since he was an infant and now he is already able to do second voice on his own.  His Papa sure is thrilled to be driving as he listens to his son singing second voice to the one playing on radio. I can’t even, for the life of me, get myself to even listen to a second voice. Much less sing to one.

Cecile Tamura, Vice President for Parents of the Philippine Association of the Gifted, was also there to offer tips  for parents on how to nurture our children’s potentials. “Pre-school age is a good time to start teaching kids to sing, since at this age we can expect them to do things by themselves. This is a time to learn what they can do individually like brush their teeth without any help, count 1 to 10 at least and sing songs. Kids this age are active, they want to move and singing is one activity that involves physical actions.” she said.

The kids with Cecile Tamura of  Philippine Association of the Gifted, Coach Weng of Center for Pop

The children enjoyed themselves as they played and serenaded us with a Christmas carol.

with fellow blogger mommies Mauie, Pehpot and her sis. 🙂

Meanwhile, have you joined Marriage and Beyond’s 4th Anniversary Giveaway yet? You have exactly a week from now to join. The books package itself will provide priceless teachings and learnings. And then there are the three other prizes which are fab all by themselves. 🙂

* i-Shine at Singing by Promil Preschool and Center for Pop Album

This workshop reminds us, parents, to look after our children’s future by honing their potential now. Thanks again to Promil for the i-Shine at Singing Workshop.

i-Shine at Singing Workshop by Promil Preschool

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