Meralco AppCal and Improved Customer Service

If there is one thing we cannot ignore in our monthly roster of bills, it is the electricity bill — Meralco bill, for us who are based in Manila. Trying to ignore it is really not an option. Else you will find your family literally walk in the dark. I have mentioned in a few of my previous posts that I have a mom who is very prudent. I would like to think that this is one of  the few values I acquired from her through my growing years.

Meralco AppCal (Meralco Appliance Calculator)

I grew up being conscious of our Meralco bill/electricity consumption. Hence, it is a default for me to not just turn off but unplug appliances that are not in use. My 6 year old son is benefiting as well even as I see him doing the same. It was during an event by Meralco last week that I learned that the Meralco AppCal is now available for download via our gadgets – iPhone, Blackberry and Android. Talk about giving us zero excuse to not be informed when it comes to us being able to take control of our electricity consumption. Thank you, Meralco! My mom will really love this App! I will have to get her an Android unit though. Wait, did I mention that one of her routines during the day (aside from blogging and her soap operas) is checking the electric meters and jotting the readings on her notebook? It used to really annoy me. But then again, it’s the OC in her that we all can actually learn from. Maybe to help us become better stewards of things that are given us.  🙂

Aside from Meralco providing us this ingenious AppCal phone application, Meralco furthers their reach to their customers by their online presence. First, their improved website, which now has 2 sections: The Customers and The Company. The Customers provides the answers to customer concerns including electricity consumption, bill-related matters, and new account applications. While The Company is the section for corporate reports, business partnerships, stakeholder relations, and investor information. Aside from the website and the AppCal, Meralco customers can also interact through other Social Networking sites like Twitter (@meralco), Facebook and YouTube. How cool is that?

I especially find it convenient that I can Tweet and contact them via Facebook in the event that there is power outage.  Since everyone is basically connected through various social networking site through our mobiles, this actually can come in very handy.

Meralco is towards furthering their service. Here are a few that we can look forward to: Wider Power Distribution, Prepaid Electricity, Meralco Power Generation, the Automated Area Network, and Meralco-Powered Electric Vehicles. Check out and take a tour around the recently revamped, very user friendly and informative website.

Meralco AppCal and Improved Customer Service

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