Wheatgrass Project that was

It was early last June when I tried my hand on cultivating my own wheatgrass. Dubbed as possibly one of today’s Power foods, wheatgrass has a lot of nutritial benefits. Some of which are: detoxification, helps digestion, blood flow, can substantially lower the rate of one having colon cancer. So I ordered a bunch of wheatberries from the Wheatgrass King from Baguio. I got the package after a few days and got my cake trays and spray bottle ready.

I have always known that green thumb I had none but I was still secretly hoping that I will successfully grow my own supply of wheatgrass.  Besides, I thought, it was just grass. So it should thrive without my having to give it extra care, right? Wrong. My first attempt and I killed the berries. Yes, that soon. 🙁 But never say die, so I headed on to my second and third attempts.

Day 3 and Day 5

wheatgrass in full bloom

I am thankful enough that I was able to juice thrice, at least. After the third attempt, molds got the better of my wheatgrass trays and I practically just gave up on it out of frustration. Maybe it’s just me and my need to go buy myself a pair of green thumbs. 😉

The juicing is not as hard as it may seem. I just basically just gathered up a bunch of grass, immersed it in water with vinegar and salt (to clean the grass), rinse and dunked it to the blender. Although cheese cloths are what they usually use in the video tutorials I watched over YouTube, I figured that unused and clean cloth diapers (lampin) will do just as well.

This was how my wheatgrass tray looked like after harvest. I was told that it can grow up to three cycles. But the most mine did was twice. They grew mold already after. I’m really not certain if it’s the humidity of Manila that killed my wheatgrass. Allow me just a bit to console myself. 🙂

I just poured a cup or two of cold water after the bunch of clean wheatgrass is dunked in the blender and set the power on high for a couple or so minutes. It is fairly easy to do, if only I could have them thrive, then I will really keep at it. But I think it is worth the try. The power food that it is should do more than just detox but should also keep you in tip top shape. For now, I’d probably settle for the wheatgrass supplement. Woe is me who can’t grow grass.

the pulp that remained after the juice was squeezed through the cloth

wheatgrass juice

My son loves it! (he calls it yummy wheatgrass juice) I do too. I have yet to convince the hubby though. Although the taste is undeniably of grass, wheatgrass juice actually tastes sweet. 🙂

Wheatgrass Project that was

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