“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. Malachi 3:10
I am one grateful soul. Although I have been working online for a few years now, it was only recently that I decided to venture into a virtual assistant job. The Lord has allowed for me to have the most wonderful boss from across the globe, that I cannot be more convinced that it is God who has sent this person to minister to our needs.
We are thankful for the generous souls who have reached out to us to get the car that we’re using fixed after it got submerged in the flood during Typhoon Ondoy. Although it got back to working again, it has had hiccups since and more and more stuff came up that need to be fixed and replaced. Truth be told, this 1989 Nissan car is screaming for retirement. All the things that need to be done to get the car fixed will cost more money collectively than if we get a brand new one. It’s air conditioning system also cannot anymore cope with our extreme weather. Aside from the fact that it has had a problem for as long as we can remember with its fan and electrical issues.
A replacement car is what we have been praying for for years and after seeing God’s hand over our hearts’ desires that we place under His feet, we did not waver in our faith that things will happen in His time. The Lord has used my current boss to allow us to save all of my earnings from my VA job (after tithe) for us to be able to save a great portion of what we need to purchase a better running car. Although what I do now is nothing like the jobs in administration that I got used to but I am blessed nonetheless as it ministers to our family’s needs. My boss is awesome in his generosity and in giving me the chance to learn what I need to learn as I go through.
One thing we have seen and tested the Lord in is in giving. There is just no way we will ever be able to outgive God. Tithing is not expected of us because God needed the money. He requires this of His children for our own sake. And we are one grateful family for His daily provisions and more. 🙂