Bedtime Discoveries with Johnson’s Baby

I had the most interesting time with fellow mommies last Saturday, November 21, 2009, during the Johnson & Johnson’s Bedtime Discoveries event in Manila Peninsula. It zeroes in on the importance of sleep in a baby’s routine. Right from the moment my husband and I learned that we were pregnant, we were set on doing things right from the beginning. As a newbie parents-to-be, we investigated on different parenting techniques and were sold out to the routine principles of Babywise. We can totally vouch for it even as this little guy we have who is now 4 years old has been sleeping through the night since he turned two months old and more than just that he has been one happy baby since. 😀

tintin bersola

the very pregnant and lively Ms. Christine Bersola-Babao hosted the event

The Bedtime Discoveries event affirmed the way we raised our son, even as Dr. Luis Rivera, Vice President of Philippine Society of Sleep Medicine further explained how essential sleep is in a baby’s daily routine. Although we strongly believe in getting a baby into a routine, we also made sure as well that we do not have a rigid one, this is when it comes to feeding and every other baby’s activity during the day. But when it comes to our baby’s sleep routine, a schedule one was essential. This allowed for him to condition himself and anticipate what’s next, over time.  We first wash him up before we get him ready for bed, baby massage and then we will read his baby picture Bible.  He’s had it since he was a few months old. This routine worked wonders for him.

dr.luis rivera

Dr. Luis Rivera, Vice-President of the Philippine Society of Sleep Medicine

Dr. Luis Rivera discussed the importance of sleep when it comes to the health and well being of a child. He also talked about how sleep in babies is different from that of an adult’s: stages of sleep, a baby’s wake/sleep pattern development, functions of sleep and its overall dynamics. Sleep is essential for the development and function of: growth, immune system, learning and memory, health of cardiovascular system, hormonal function (insulin, resistance) and body metabolism.

Dr. Rivera also discussed the importance of a regular bedtime routine:

  • Babies thrive on routines because the most effective learning comes from repetition.
  • The consistent, regular sequence of a routine helps your baby learn associations and patterns.
  • One of the most important routines to develop for babies is a sleep routine.

What happens really when a child lacks sleep?

  • Poor sleepers have significant performance impairment
  • High risk of behavioral disorders and poorer academic performance
  • Affects every aspect of a child’s physical, emotional, cognitive and social development

I remember my son, especially when he was still an infant, having the tendency to be out of sorts when his sleep routine gets disturbed. As a family of ministers, this is not very uncommon. There are times that we have people in the house and there are also some church activities that we attend to. During such times, my son usually takes more time to sleep than he normally would during regular days.

Here are some of things that can help parents identify sleep problems in their babies:

  • Habitual snoring
  • Snorting. Gasping or choking
  • Pauses in snoring/breathing
  • Increased respiratory effort
  • Bed thrashing, restless sleep
  • Unusual or bizarre sleep positions

Babies who do not get enough sleep during the night have the tendency to be overtired, sleep or cranky during the day. All a mom has to do is get right back to his regular sleep routine and he will later bounce back to his regular self as he gets back to his familiar sphere.  No need to panic. A baby senses if a mother is in stress.

For this very cause, Johnson’s conducted a sleep study in babies. It is a clinical evaluation of a before bed routine and the Johnsons Baby Bedtime Range. It was led in the United States by Pschologist and Pediatric Sleep Expert Jodi Mindell. The Johnson’s sleep study is done for three weeks involving 58 mothers and their babies who were 7 to 18 months old.

Johnson’s 3 Step Before Bed Routine consists of:

Bath – a warm bath or “punas” will signal your baby that he is on his way to bed. Warm water, coupled with the gentle lathering touch will soothe the baby.

Massage – the soothing, steady motion of the massage helps baby relax even more.

Some quiet time – spend some quiet, light activities with your baby (singing lullubies, reading stories, cuddle) will will drift her off to sleep.

The follow up survey results:

  • 100% enjoyed performing the Routine
  • 80% believed baby’s sleep improved
  • 85% continued with the Routine

And here’s the good news for moms: 59% reduction in Fatigue Score. Now, can’t all mothers make use of that?  This is sometimes the very thing that people take for granted. Get the mother worn out and she will be less effective in taking care of her child. Making this phase of motherhood more of a burden, than it being an enjoyable nurturing experience. I believe with all my heart that a mother should enjoy her child, even as her child doesn’t remain a baby for long. It is one of the most beautiful things in life and  we only get to travel that road once. Okay, more than once for those with more than one child. But still it’s a whole new individual you deal with for every child and still something you cannot go back to.

The Johnson’s Sleep Study results:

  • 37% reduction in sleep onset latency
  • 49% decrease in duration of night waking
  • 23% increase in longest continuous sleep period
  • 59% decrease in maternal fatigue
  • 37% reduction in awakening
  • 55% reduction in tension/anxiety

I love that Johnson & Johnson has partnered with the Philippine Society of Sleep Medicine in sharing these important knowledge to parents. Thanks to Nuffnang for cooking up these kinds of events, for moms especially. It does not just give us topics to write about on our blogs but allows us to encourage and further influence the many parents to do more for their family, even through what could be as “trivial” as a baby’s sleep pattern. Even as I recall the times when we were still setting the routine for our son, it wasn’t always easy and to know the things imparted during the event are extremely helpful for parents.

It will interest parents to know that there is now a site that serves like a parenting partner – You can read more about your baby, even create a personalized sleep profiler that will help track your baby’s sleeping habits. Wherein there is also a page dedicated to Baby Bedtime Discoveries.

bedtime discoveries event

with program host, Tintin Bersola-Babao, fellow bloggers and J&J people

Bedtime Discoveries with Johnson’s Baby

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