It is always a joy for me to join Jeff, whenever I get the chance to, when he goes to minister to the youth of Makati. Here, he is in action. In the very high school I graduated from. Although it isn’t quite the same since I graduated some 10+ years ago. Senator Salonga no longer owns it, for one. The first time I visited, it was almost nostalgic. Even though I studied there for only a couple of years, it still amounted to something. Because the few good friends I have, I found there. The main building was still there and few others mushroomed, plus the few nice facilities to boot.
It just overwhelms my heart whenever I think that the Lord has actually allowed for us to go back to minister to these young people. You will be surprised of the percentage of our youth having to endure dysfunctional families that brings about devastating effects to their self esteem.
Even as we partner with the teachers as we influence them towards a better life, I am blessed as I see my very own husband’s burden for these precious souls. Even though what he does may not sound as big as that of business plan consultants’, I actually see it to be a lot bigger than that. This is why I totally respect Jeff’s steadfast spirit, especially during those times that he has got to brave strong rains and commute. My prayer is that these kids will respond positively to the teachings that Jeff imparts with them every week.