Promise Rings

Working with the youth has always been interesting. It is way easier to be able to relate to them now that I am outside the box and yet I still can so understand them because I have been there once before. God’s grace has allowed me to see these young people through His loving eyes. Firm enough to rebuke but gentle enough to encourage. It is not the easiest to be an adolescent, even a young pro. The dating game and all the hassles of courtship, which if practiced outside God’s umbrella brings about haste and destruction. Not to mention heartaches and everything else in between.

Last Sunday, I overheard some of my girls talking about promise rings. What is a promise ring, anyway? Unlike keepsake rings, promise rings are usually given to each other by two people who commit to no sex before marriage. I was not too keen to nose around that time I heard my girls but I was really curious if they are wearing those rings to symbolize their commitment as they become accountable to each other or if there was someone special who gave that promise ring to that girl concerned. I know my girls pass by this page from time to time so I might just receive an SMS soon after I get this post live. 😉

Promise Rings
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