A Regular Workout…

… that is my mission before this month ends. It was early this year when I decided that it is going to be a healthier me this year. I jumpstarted with an everyday workout, started with five minutes a day to almost an hour a day. It was a feat, really. For someone who never had a regular exercise for most of her life, that is really something. I then followed it up with getting a flu shot. I was really decided to be healthier. Because I drag my family with me every time I get sick.


The bad news is, it only lasted two months. I have not been working out for a couple of months now and I am not proud about it. Even after a slimming procedure done on my mid portion recently, I admit, I could still use fat burners. A workout fat burner will be an ideal, though.  I have been pretty busy, my schedule has been crazy but I know I have got to figure something out to get back into shape.

One thing that I have noticed, the moment I stopped working out was the time I almost instantly tipped seven pounds heavier. Now I am starting to believe that there is this side effect of putting workout to a sudden halt. But I cannot also deny the fact that I was at my best shape when I was working out.

A Regular Workout…

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