Routine and Spontaneity in Marriage

‘In marriage, there comes a time that a couple’s schedule often is too predictable that you almost can tell what time of the day you will get to bond with your partner. Predictability is not bad. In fact a lot of people I know are wired towards it. But every normal human being, regardless of his type of personality, can make use of spontaneity one time or another.

If as a couple you have your “couch time” at a certain time of the day, maybe you adjust it to another time. If  you do certain chores around the home, why not shake it up a little. This reminds me to throw the garbage sometime, one of these coming nights. Change is nice. It even leads you to appreciate your spouse more. Go plan a nile cruise, if you can. It can shake the boring spell of what routine sometimes give. If you can at all afford it, then go out on one of those cruise holidays.

Being married to this big hearted man of a husband that I have for almost eight years, taught me a whole lot of beautiful things. He sure is a man who so loves routine that I need not ask him what he’s having when we step into any particular food place we’ve been to before, because he will order the same thing over again. While I am the exact opposite and he admits to it, that if it wasn’t for my trying out new things, he wouldn’t have known there are better things out there. We balance each other out, to say the least.

As much as I love spontaneity, I have to admit that I also love routine. It is in fact a big word to us. Because of routine, we were able to plunge into parenthood without tears. Read: Our son began sleeping through the night at two months old, The routine that we have in our marriage is a part of my everyday joy.

We may try to spice things up with spontaneity all we want but without our focus on the one thing that matters, that is your spouse, no amount of shaking up will do. Not even if you plan the grandest of river cruises. You really have got to put your heart into your marriage, speak with your partner with all honesty and love. As imperfect individuals, there will always be a tendency to disappoint each other one way or another. But nothing is sweeter than living life in sync with the one that God has made for you to love.

Routine and Spontaneity in Marriage

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