We have put up with our internet connection for almost two years now. What should be up to a 384kbps connection speed, averages at less than a hundred in most days. Even less than 50, would you believe, in real bad days? It took its turn for the worse during the holidays. We have refreshed our connection more than twenty times, today alone. Here is a fresh speedtest report, to prove that I am not exaggerating.
And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse (at least for the day), I ran the speedtest again after two hours and here’s what the result says. Now a dial up doesn’t sound so bad after all. 🙁
I am happy to report that I came from PLDT today to seal our DSL Broadband connection subscription. The set up boys will come in the next three days. Yipee! 🙂 From what I know SmartBro and PLDT are like sister companies. But I have also heard that SmartBro messes up a lot and PLDT delivers better, at least in our vicinity.
Would you believe that this application for DSL connection is over two years old? It was only recently that a slot was made available and I was next in queue. To begin with, I only subscribed to SmartBro because I needed a decent connection and an upgrade from my then dial up. Venturing into an online business with just a dial up did not really sound very promising. But come to think of it, I could really have stuck with it and survived. We are given such headache by SmartBro anyway, half the time we are with them (present tense but soon to be past- can’t wait to write in the former tense). It is such joy to finally be terminating my connection with SmartBro- the supposedly smart company that does not measure up.