Our sons current favorite toy is Ninong Ted and Tita Ninang Rose’s Christmas gift for him – his very own bike. Having got used to his twist car, it was not easy for him to learn to drive by pedaling. Twist cars move by maneuvering the wheel. In fact when we were in Tagaytay early last month, we went to a park where bikes are rented out and he did not get around to drive the little pedicab we got for him.
We were all thrilled that after a couple of hours since he got the bicycle he learned to pedal away and he was going around the backyard with ease. The hubs said while he learned to ride the bicycle when he was in Grade 3 (around 9 years old), his son is biking away at 3 years old. Well, of course with those little support wheels in either side of the back wheel. 🙂
Each of us have our own favorite gifts for this season. My favorite for this year is my brand new dresser. It’s not grand but I love it better than all the dressers I ever had. Aside from all the material gifts, I am more thrilled to have the loving family that I have. Have I ever mentioned that having your sister and her husband for neighbors being the neatest ever? I am going to have to post some of the fun times we have been having these past weeks.
Have a great New Year’s Day celebration, everyone!