A Week ‘Till Our 7th Anniversary

img-5714-copy.jpgThis is the first time in months that I am so behind in doing all my assigned tasks. Most of which are about to expire! I still am not yet in my tip top shape. Still waiting for a friend to give me the contact details of the acupuncturist that I am considering to go see. A couple of days back I thought I was on my way to full recovery just to get down with bad colds again last night. I am seriously losing my voice and I could hardly afford a whisper.

With our wedding anniversary coming up in a week’s time and a lot of chores waiting for me to get done, this is the last thing I need. I guess there really will be no shopping for Christmas presents for me this year let alone for an anniversary gift for my dear sweet hubby. Maybe I could do some online shopping and have the package here in time for our anniversary on Monday? I know I am cramming but I seriously have got to think of the best gift that I could give him that I could buy online. 🙂

A Week ‘Till Our 7th Anniversary

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