Dear hubby has been asking me for weeks now what I want for a 7th wedding anniversary gift. I honestly cannot think of any. I really appreciate the quality time that we have been regularly spending together, even if it means we have to sleep in the wee hours of the morning just telling each other random stories and just spend time together.
We have long known that my love language is “Quality Time” and his is “Words of Encouragement.” He has been regularly speaking my language this past week that makes me appreciate him all the more. Honestly, I am so okay with just that- a regular (daily) quality time that I can hardly think of any better gift that he could give me for our anniversary. A pair of his and hers Festina watches for the both of us would be fine, but even without any material gift as long as we continue to fill each others cup through God’s grace in our marriage, I’m fine by it. 😀