It’s another fun and busy Monday for us. I finally cleared up every single clutter in our son’s room. Although he has began sleeping in his own room before he even turned three, we had to welcome him back to our family bed because of unbearable heat we have been having these past few months. And I admit to be more than happy to have him back. 😉 We only have an airconditioner in the master’s bedroom and the exhaust fan that we got installed (to share the cool air from the airconditioned room) just wouldn’t suffice. It was too hot! So, as expected when a bedroom does not get to be slept in, it becomes a clutter room, a storage area of sorts.
I got his beddings and drapes washed, cleared everything up, disinfected the room. It is now waiting for the new addition – our little guy’s study table! The hubby has just finished working on the first coat of paint. When it’s nice and ready, we will be looking into getting a lighting that will set his study nook’s ambiance. I was browsing through and they have tons of varieties from fine art lamps to quoizel lighting. I particularly love this piece for our son’s room and what do you know, it’s currently on sale! 😉