I have yet to find a girl who does not love shopping. Even though I consider myself prudent all right, I have to admit that I love shopping. Right from my younger years, I would love going around if not to shop, at least window shop and when I was able I would indulge my wants but up to a certain extent.
Married life has not really tamed my love for going around getting good buys. In fact, because I was both prudent and love to shop, I was able to strike a balance of both to our advantage. All we have in our house are the best deals and wisest buys. And you guessed it right, when I gave birth to our son, my shopping evolved to things for the house to baby stuff. From the best diaper to everything else. I had him use all natural, leak proof, cloth diapers. I only used baby products that are natural. Definitely no SLS from Johnson’s, absolutely not one of those more famous commercial products touched my baby’s skin.
Another online discovery I have is a boutique that allows me to do my spree right from the net. Their market clearly points out to yours truly and my interests. Their goodies consist of clothing lines and gift for women and babies. Good taste is what they have when it comes to fashion. Another plus is their great customer service. That is always a biggie for me. Go check out www.melange4women.com and you will soon find out what I am raving about.