Our Multi-Tasking Cutie



Nope, this is not our PSP. This is the least we would ever give our child for a toy. The only reason we allow him to play with it is, it’s his Tita Ninang Rose and Ninong Ted‘s toy and he would often see them play with it when they come here and visit. They all love playing the Ratatouille game together. I don’t allow him to play any other game. I warned everyone concerned. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I have seen rather violent games, and those are definite no-no’s. Barely three years old and he knows his way around the navigation pad. It scares me to a point. I have become lax I know. But since he knows it’s not his and he freely gives it back when the sweet couple leaves, then I allow him this one thing.

I am rather against having my kid for this matter play with this kind of zombifying toys, no offense to those who do otherwise. I have seen for myself how grown ups can get addicted to these kind of things, it would be even more dangerous to get a child hooked. He has his learning toys he can play with like LeapPad and VTech, which he calls his computer and I want him to learn through playing.

I know I am compromising. But to a certain extent, when we come to think of it, these things will grow up with him and I do not want him to be ignorant to a point of him growing up salivating for one. He can grow up knowing these toys exist, but they are to be used only for a short period of time and there are better things to do that will make him a productive individual. And talk to him later why we will not get any toy of that sort. Values formation. Talk about being futuristic. You see, I am really trying to rationalize things. I tell you, good parenting does not come instantly. With prayers, values and balance, we get to implement things that will be best for him.

So there. I just really wanted to share this shot that was hard to resist not to capture last night. I handed him his milk when he was already playing the PSP, I was wondering if he would put the toy down and finish his milk first. Lo and behold how he managed to pin the glass of milk around his arm and went on playing anyway. My big boy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Our Multi-Tasking Cutie
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