Make your home a haven, not a hassle. You may need to seriously evaluate if you have taken your relationship with your spouse for granted.
Nurture your “attraction quotient.” Don’t wear grubbles around the house. Lose a few pounds, smile, be warm. Be an invitations for him/her to come home to.
Take a hard look at your schedule. You may not be meeting your spouse’s needs because you’re exhausted from a job that is too demanding. Determine where you want to succeed – at work or at home.
Offer your spouse a real relationship – with real forgiveness, real love, affirmation, and encouragement. Become a magnet to draw your mate back home.
Don’t try to cope alone. Get competent counsel and help from your pastor, a counselor or a therapist. Read His Needs, Her Needs, by Dr Willard F. Harley, Jr.
Pray that God will begin to displace wrong values with His values in your mate’s life.
- Get godly counsel.
-page 82, Staying Close by Dennis Rainey