This coming weekend we are scheduled to have our fire insurance premium paid. We are blessed to be able to finally do this. In the previous years of our marriage, we have always had our house contents insured all right, but when we had our own house built, it was another story. The premium for fire insurance for a house is a tad higher than if it was just the contents that are covered. So now we are able to insure both our house and the contents. This is a real blessing.
But the real blessing is that a year ago today, we did not have to go to a mortgage lenders that would give us interest rates that will really hurt our budget. We are now done paying our first year for the house and we only have 13 years to go to pay if off completely. Imagine, we are only paying five hundred thousand more than when we were still renting and we call it our own. I can only look back with gratefulness. We have met possibly all kinds of landowners, but that’s another story. For now we are really thankful that we are able to enjoy now the things that we have never thought at all possible. The Lord really is the restorer of his people.