Ten Steps to Healing Your Marriage

  1. Suspend the blame cycle.
  2. Acknowledge your contribution to the pain.
  3. Examine the status of your marriage.Have you negotiate\ed all the tasks in each passage so far?
  4. Commit to recovery and determine to improve your marriage.
  5. Assess how much deep sharing goes on between you: Are needs being met? (Read entries on 5 Basic Needs of Men and Women)
  6. Employ loving confrontation after you have securely and completely suspended the blame cycle.
  7. Grieve the pain in your marriage.
  8. Meet the needs through a series of “give-and-take” sessions.
  9. Commit to repairing the future as well as the present.
  10. Minimize the stressors in your marriage

By: Dr. Frank and Mary Alice Minirth, Dr. Brian and Deborah Newman and Dr. Robert and Susan Hemfelt

Ten Steps to Healing Your Marriage
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