Five Basic Needs of Men


This is a follow up entry on Affair Proofing Your Marriage

The first of the five basic needs of men is Sex. God’s plan for sex according to Genesis 2:24 is exclusive and permanent. This verse clearly describes His plan for marriage. He gave the gift of sex in marriage to be enjoyed. But satan has distorted Gods plan for sex in every imaginable way. God says no to sexual sin because it destroys families and the person who has committed it. Adultery is full of empty promises but the Bible tells us the true costs of adultery. A person who is an adulterous relationship lives a secretive life. He then becomes addicted to a sinful lifestyle as he betrays the vows he made to his spouse. The loss of communion with God is inevitable even as he dismisses his relationship with Him through the choices that he make. If a spouse has already messed up, 1 John says that if we confess our sins, God will be faithful and just to forgive us. It’s going to be a long way, but it’s the start of freedom from an otherwise miserable life.

The second basic need of men is Recreational Companionship. Men love to do things and are naturally adventurous. They love to be able to share this with their spouse. The third is an Attractive Spouse. It does not necessarily mean that you would have to go get a plastic surgery done. But this is actually more on keeping yourself presentable. After a while wives tend to go sloppy in the way they carry themselves. This just should not be. Take note though, that this is not an excuse for wives to shop till they drop. Not even an excuse to live in extravagance, if they can’t afford it. If they can, why not. But the point is wives can be attractive without the expense factor. Fourth is Domestic Support. And last but not the least is Admiration.

Five Basic Needs of Men
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2 thoughts on “Five Basic Needs of Men

  • May 14, 2016 at 12:32 am

    This is dumb. So men want a sexual mate, someone to do what they want, and a housekeeper. Nice.

    • October 19, 2017 at 10:55 pm

      Laura doesn’t get it…Issues maybe?


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