Crowning Glory

This last couple of weeks I have been toying with the idea of getting myself a new “do.” I have been pretty tired sporting this long wavy hair, shampooing and conditioning no end just to end up rolling it into a tiny swirly bun. Last night, I got liberated! I made the smartest move, the very thing a small number of women can actually get themselves to do. In a culture like ours that says, the longer the hair, the prettier. I stepped right up and said, “Who cares! It’s just hair, I’m growing it back anyway!” So there, that was a feat for me. Although it really just had to take me to decide on it and there I went – – – to the barbershop!

Of course, I had to get DH’s nod, or else I wouldn’t have been at peace with it knowing he didn’t approve. The years that passed that I’ve spent with him, I can remember a few number of times that I have tried asking him what he thought of the idea, most of the times he said it was ok, but I wasn’t really sure he thought it would suit me. Anyway, last night, with the nod that I got from him, I really felt he thought I could pull it through.
Here is a picture with my hairdresser, Marivic of Kevin’s Barbershop. Trying to convince myself it suits me, while I try to have a look-see on my best angle. Haha! It doesn’t really matter if it suits me or not, but one thing for sure, I was so not used to the whole thing that I got a little too many shampoo on my palm before I realized I needed just a little this time. And the weirdest thing was after bath, I felt headless! Hahaha! I love just feeling the bare back of my neck. This is so fun!

p.s. I thought I ought to compensate my boy look, so I colored my hair “balinese brown”. The color of the font I’m using in this entry is around the shade of my hair now. Yikes!

Crowning Glory
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