Power of a Praying Parent: A Book Review


Category: Books
Genre: Parenting & Families
Author: Stormie Omartian

In a world that’s unpredictable, wars, crimes, natural and man-made disasters happening everywhere, where do dedicated parents go in hope that things will be better for their children? Stormie Omartian detailed in this book most of the things, if not all, parents worry over and concerns for their children. It is only but natural to hope for the best for their lives. But hoping doesn’t guarantee this, with “hope” we become positive, but with only this in our hearts we remain putting their lives to chance.

Stormie didn’t just emphasize enough the importance of prayer, she urged every parent to enter into a committed partnership with God in the upbringing of his/her children. To quote her, ‘He would shoulder the heaviness of the burden and provide wisdom, power, protection, and ability far beyond ourselves. We would do our job to discipline, teach, nurture, and “train up a child in the way he should go” knowing that “when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6)’.

In a culture such as ours where parents, with sincere hopes that this tradition will “bless” and “keep harm away from the baby”, “baptism” or even “baby dedication” is given so much importance. That up to this day and age, parents don’t get their children out of the house and are not allowed to go anywhere until baptism or even dedication is done. The embracing of this tradition reflects the very heart of us parents wanting the best for our children and keeping them out of harm’s reach. But the truth of the matter is, what’s important is to give our children to God on a daily basis. Jeff and I dedicated our son, Jed, in a church service last July 17, 2005. But that date does not signify anything other than committing ourselves, to parent him the way God has called us to. This is in partnership with the One Father who loves our son more than we ever could.

To parent is not the easiest of jobs, in fact it’s the opposite. Just like Stormie, I found myself just relating to her when she shared her journey into parenting and how living not having the best role model for parents pressed her to be a better parent. I could say that everything I do with regards to parenting is an offshoot of my passion to be the best parent for Jed (through God’s grace). That explains why I attended all the getting prepared classes from the childbirth preparations of Chiqui Hahn, the many free seminars that mommy academy sponsors and reading the books on child rearing, discipline, etc. Until God blessed my journey and came across this book. This tops them all.

We can in every way raise a disciplined, emotionally, physically healthy child, but the fact remains that somewhere in our deepest of hearts are the concerns that evil is lurking around the corner and we can’t always be there to protect our child. So allow me now to encourage every parent to get ahold of this book and read for yourselves. If the principles are followed, the benefits will not stop in your generation. It is written in God’s word that if we do what we ought to do, our generation will be blessed down to the nth.

I give this book a 5 out of 5. A must have for every parent. Enjoy the book, moms and dads!

Power of a Praying Parent: A Book Review

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