
jen’s shotjeff’s shot

I just thought I’d drop a line to update my journal, have failed to blog in a while. Have been busy on some things and also haven’t been feeling well lately.

I spent half of the day with DH, just going around the mall getting crazy, taking pictures of just about anything. Photo on the left was my take and Jeff’s on the right. It was nice of Jeff’s mom to have come over to take care of Jed even though that would mean for her travelling the distance and spending for it. Have always appreciated her for that extra hand and also the cleaning prowess of Aling Ising, her ever faithful assistant (God bless their hearts).

It was just another Saturday, and I pray I’d get well in the week to come. It wasn’t the best week for me even as I was looking forward to resuming my discipleship with one of my girls. And this week I had to text and call her not to come over because she might catch my virus (cough&colds), when I know she recently just got well from the flu. I have stopped meeting my girls since I gave birth and while I try to juggle all the things I do around the house, taking care of Jed, helping Jeff in the ministry, the occasional weddings that I do and everything else in between, God has put it in my heart to resume this task, I was able to device a system for me to be able to get my girls over to my place and resume discipleship. I can’t just stop doing what I do because of motherhood. Although I know I had to go through the adjustment especially now my son has become so mobile, nothing stops him! Although it breaks my that I can’t do it as I used to, I am at peace that the Lord wants me to press on in what He has put in my heart to prioritize. Although I see through some people, questions in their eyes in my choosing full time parenting over the workforce despite our situation. It so helps to have that ultimate nod, that despite the disapproval of people, I choose to submit to the One I am accountable to.


With the week that was, I am again reminded that God is far more interested in working IN me, than THROUGH me. And I am again settled.

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